Ahad, 29 April 2012

first topic about my penjaga hati

 hey all ... assalammualaikum everbody ^^.. lama uh tax update my bloger's .... tax dak topic lolz nux storyII at bloger's neyh ... bak kata tajuk di atas uh , ' FIRST TOPIC ABOUT MY PENJAGA HATI ' soey lha yerk . dowk MALAYSIA tpy nux try speking Us !! heeheh , mixed lnguage .. haishh , tax taw lha nux mula story cm na .. lama dah tax buad esay tax p0wn karangan , hihih .. firstly,ain nux explain the mean of ' FIRST ' bak kata owg melayu ' PERTAMA ' hak3 , mcm lha owg tax tawu apa maksud tuh , tpy ikut suka ain lha kan nux write apa p0wn , ada ku kesah !! ukeh , ' FIRST ' 20 march 2012 , tuesday , 12.45 pm , salah sowank dari fwenlist at myfecebookers im ain , dh 2 ta0n jdi fwenlist ain bawu ary tuh dy tegur , ish2 , sombong betoii lhaaa , kih3 , teguran dy tuh amat bermakna bg ain smpai skunx , heh ! morever the SPM result out of the week :) teguran itu hanya tuk wish gud luck jer , huh !! sangat nervous time tuhh , future decisions , then dah dpt result sume pakat im lha nux tnya result dpt wapa , heh , malu kowd nux gtw , result tax elokk , huk3 0wg tny juz say cukupII makan jew !! bahasa sendiri p0wn tax bule dpt A , huk2 , sediyh :( apatah ag omputehh , lgih lhaa :'( , OMG , benda dah lepas biar dy lepas , jgn egt apa2 ag , mulakan new life ^^ keyh secondly ' TOPIC ' act ain tax dak apa p0wn nux storyII kes topic neyh , ain cuma nux gtaw , ain sayunx aliff jew ! kih2 ^^ third ' ABOUT ' hmm . about me , nothing special about me , iam simple , hihih , senang kan , :p and ehemII , hihi , he was a kind , honest , gud care of my heart , loving , hansome , stylish and much more <3-_- fourth ' MY PENJAGA HATI ' tengs ya ALLAH , da bagi ain sowank y bole jaga aty ain dengan baek , ain syunx dy sesangat , hope relationship kita kekal hinggan akhir hayat , insyaallah , dy adalah semangat ain untuk teruz berjaya , :) , tengs sayunx , iloveyoumorethanyouloveme <3 imizyou , iloveyou , ineedyou dears :))